Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Coming Home

We returned home after seven days in Circle this afternoon. There was so much to unpack....all of our Christmas treasures. When Bob found the kids' new markers, he thought that it would be entertaining to "paint" Ryley's eyebrows. I'll let you see for yourself where that brilliant idea led. Thank goodness for washable markers!

A Very Merry Christmas

We celebrated Christmas in Circle this year. The Crocketts gathered at Mom and Dad's on Christmas Eve. This is my favorite holiday gathering because it's really our only "big" family celebration all year. I'm happy that Ryley and Brytta get a chance to experience the Crockett family gatherings that I remember from my childhood.

Brytta, Maddison, David, Baby Kenadee, and Ron listen while Mom reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.
Kenadee got a new baby kitty for Christmas. Brytta loved this kitten and followed Kenadee and it everywhere. She thought Kenadee should name her "Boo."

Christmas morning, Ryley and Brytta woke up to Santa's presents all neatly tucked into a new sled. Ryley got the Wii that he'd asked for and Brytta couldn't have been happier with her new baby and tea set.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our Summer Vacation

Last week Ryley, Brytta, Karly, and I took the train from Williston to St. Cloud, MN, to visit Paula (Whitney) Sala and family. Jenny (Wolff) Kroetch was also at Paula's house for one day while we were there. We had a blast watching our kids get acquainted and catching up!

Our first stop at the Mall of America was lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. The thunderstorms freaked Brytta out and she asked to go home. Below: Elliot Sala, Brytta, James Kroetch, Whitney Sala, and Ryley.
Ryley was thrilled to meet the Transformer and Star Wars models at Lego Land.

Brytta cuddles a sea turtle at the Underwater Aquarium in the mall.
Ryley, Brytta, and Elliot loved the rides at Nickelodeon Universe in the mall. This was Elliot's first ride ever!

The last day of our trip took us into St. Paul to the Minnesota Children's Museum. We stopped for a late lunch before heading back to Paula's house.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fourth of July Weekend

We celebrated the holiday weekend at Fort Peck Lake with my parents and sisters. It was the first time Bob and I had been back there since 2005, so it was long overdue. So many of my childhood memories are made up of weekend trips to the lake. It was fun to watch Ryley and Brytta begin building some of those memories during this trip. And, in true Fort Peck fashion, it stormed both nights we were there.
Brytta and Ryley had a blast tubing. Brytta liked it as long as things were nice and easy but any rough water, and she was done. After one rough patch, she told her dad that it was time for her to take a nap!Ryley could have tubed all day long. He loved the "big kahunas!"

Karly caught a 29-inch walleye on an evening fishing trip. Ryley asked if she wanted to trade poles.

The kids loved what Ryley referred to as "boat fishin'".

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Will Our Garden Grow?

We finally got our garden planted last Sunday. It was a family affair as Ryley and Brytta planted peas, beans, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, and radishes. Brytta held a radish seed packet and poured them all into one spot while Ryley meticulously placed his peas two inches apart.
Bob shows Ryley and Brytta how to cover the seeds they've planted.

Bob "replanted" Brytta's radish seeds!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Think Spring!

Now that we've got birthdays and a snowmobiling trip to Yellowstone out of the way, we are ready to welcome spring! We have been hit especially hard with winter this year, so we are eagerly awaiting the snow to melt, mud to dry up and green grass to appear. We found time to enjoy winter every now and then, and I've included a few of those photos below.

Bob and I had a wonderful time on our snowmobile tour through Yellowstone. What a great way to see the Park!

Fifteen 4 - 6 year olds helped Ryley celebrate turning 5 at his first "friend" party on January 30.

Brytta turned 3 on March 5! She is so much fun to watch open gifts because she actually likes getting clothes. Much different than her big brother!