Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Coming Home

We returned home after seven days in Circle this afternoon. There was so much to unpack....all of our Christmas treasures. When Bob found the kids' new markers, he thought that it would be entertaining to "paint" Ryley's eyebrows. I'll let you see for yourself where that brilliant idea led. Thank goodness for washable markers!

A Very Merry Christmas

We celebrated Christmas in Circle this year. The Crocketts gathered at Mom and Dad's on Christmas Eve. This is my favorite holiday gathering because it's really our only "big" family celebration all year. I'm happy that Ryley and Brytta get a chance to experience the Crockett family gatherings that I remember from my childhood.

Brytta, Maddison, David, Baby Kenadee, and Ron listen while Mom reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.
Kenadee got a new baby kitty for Christmas. Brytta loved this kitten and followed Kenadee and it everywhere. She thought Kenadee should name her "Boo."

Christmas morning, Ryley and Brytta woke up to Santa's presents all neatly tucked into a new sled. Ryley got the Wii that he'd asked for and Brytta couldn't have been happier with her new baby and tea set.